Goddess Seed Project Tenets
12/30/20233 min read
Goddess Seed is a community based upon the principles of the divine feminine & sacred masculine; in that we are our brothers/sisters keeper. That the integration of truly healthy individuals are those that are able to live in a dynamic harmonic symbiosis with nature. Just as nature has diverse creatures whose many talents are appreciated, so are we. We base the value of an individual on what they do, how they do; what they do! The very nature of their act, and the tenor of their heart. Our community is built of many unique quirky colorful sols. Whose individual personage is appreciated for their purpose as one as much as for their purpose within the whole of the community. With a very strong embrace of interconnectedness this is a place of faith, relationships, and being with God; however that is spoken for each individual. We invest in the pillars of culture not just for our own self indulgence, but also out of curiosity in the loving spirit of humanity.
The three pillars being Language, Food, Ceremonial Practice/ Ritual. Language is the foremost identifier of a community of individuals. To reflect the importance of this the library is a cornerstone of our community. It will hold inclusive volumes of the world, sharing in the beauty of the people of the land; and their stories. It will contain voices with uplifting stories, the truth of where we have come- come from- how we got here, and the conscious choice we have in directing our next steps. It will be a bastion of truth in helping manifest prescient creation of person, body, and mind. To know someone, to see someone, is to at minimum acknowledge them in their native tongue in greeting and leaving. To share with them your own native tongue so they may take part and share in your ancestry. To build bridges of the tongue to love those that need, heal those that are hurting, to bring joy and laughter to lyfe.
Food is the second pillar in the identification of self within a community of individuals. Language or uniform intelligible sound composed for purposes of communicating began as a protective measure. Food within a group of individuals was, done to share from our own garden & hearth as an act of devotion and vulnerability. We will use it for the same purpose. We will have a large community garden, created by the animals we share the land with. Each housing pod will have its own plot for personal growth.
We will first gain nourishment by reconnecting with mama and the soil sowing seeds. Care taking the animals of the land as bodies together in lyfe's journey. In preparing, and sharing with a diverse community of attuned sols the first vulnerability of the heart; our food. The specialist courses often times come from our ancestral line; thus we are sharing our sacred line of food for the soul. The community gathering area will be a venue of regular communal food sharing.
The final pillar confirms a distinct ideological core for the community, and gives an awakened interconnectedness. A ceremonial/ritual practice area will be created for the regular commune with Goddess-God-spirits-Mama All-Self etc... It is a place of reverence, healing, ritual, connection, worship, and more. It is the epicenter of our community in spiritual and religious foundation. We are a place of belief, understanding, compassion, and keeping.
We share our space with the spirit of all religions without judgment. We walk in the steps loving all of the creators children. We don't judge but respectfully call in one another to hold accountability, regardless the faith of calling. We respect the language of all in their relationship and how they express it.
The ability for individuals to thrive while still a part of the community is shared responsibility via individual purpose. Each sol will execute their most freeing attribute as a piece to the whole of the body ie. animals, gardening, carpentry, capital, plumbing, education, health, etc... We will live as a family provides for growing children, elder leaders, and strength for self. Living through this personal interconnectedness we as a community are able to share in the natural birth rights of any free being: clean water, nutritious food, healthy air, and safe housing.
All housing will be earth conscious as a first requirement. There will be one large housing structure that will house guests, visitors, and those applying to join the community. It will also hold as a communal kitchen for group gatherings or events. Primary homes will be modest mini-homes, earth ships, and modernized versions of indigenous housing. Secondary housing will be mobile mini-homes, refitted recreational vehicles, and conversion vans. While this small footprint should help with insurance cost. The truth about living in a fire hazard area makes this intelligently practical. As another benefit, housing will reinforce our refusal to indulge in consumerism.